Sunday, May 11, 2008

Ike's favourite book

is Mr. Bump, he seems to be able to "feel" for Mr. Bump and his situation, everytime we get to the word "bump", Ike puts his hand on his forehead. He can say a few words but seems very enthusiastic about hand signals which I am running out of my basic ones to teach him.

I have about 4 or 5 short videos I want to post but something is strange with the blogger so it just doesn't seem to upload! Ike started wearing supersuits too and on saturday I bought him his own superman one, I now have 2 superboys zipping around... I just want to be invisible man.

Here's Ike happy to push a shopping cart, bottles of "BLATJANG" for those in Singapore and Malaysia... for a long while I stared at that word and its actually... BELACHAN... tho I doubt it tastes the same, it just looks so brown!

Nate is quite good at rock climbing, I was surprised at how strong he is and how easy he made it look. Ike on the other hand will try anything. Today at Col Cacchio there were 4 bottles of "sauce" he insisted on trying every bottle, the vinegrette, the salad sauce, the olive oil and one other. He's quite the taster, there's almost nothing he will not taste. Maybe I should make more of an effort to take them to the cooking class in Rivonia.

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