Monday, July 27, 2009

Adventure number 6: Kuala Trengganu

A short drive to KT, picking up our laundry before hand, on our trip our laundry had gone from M$4.50 per kilo to M$2.50. Bubbi is the prize winner for always finding us a "dobi", we have to put on our dobi eyes but she spots it!

We stop by a kraft place, sad thing about malaysia is that their handicraft is not as good as vietnam or china or thailand. Although there is good silversmiths, the designs are too heavy and not too appealing, I was however quite tempted to get a rattan rocking horse for the boys.

The place we stayed in KT was specially built for the Monsoon cup, very luxurious but very quiet and so the price was very good. We took the boys to a night market and we had satay, all sorts of walk as you eat foods and a good time.

The next day we go to the largest museum in Malaysia, which is quite interesting except its hard to bring 2 kids along. Esp. with one that was screaming for 2 hours, determined to be naked (slight water spot on his shirt), he did finally pass out. It was also on this day that we found chiffon cake, we had been close the day before but they did not bake them on the "weekends" (the northern states follow the friday as day off). The bakery that I tried, looked like a low probability, they even said no then said oh they are right out of the oven (give me two!). It tasted great, not oily like singapore and for the same price instead of a piece I get a whole cake.

One day while Bubs and mom head out at night to use the free internet at the main area, they come across a HUGE biawak (monitor lizard), this one was longer than them and had a tongue like a snake tasting the air.

We also hit the main market and was able to find some bamboo whistles (that I bought to stuff the party packs, sorry in advance to the parent's ears). One afternoon, we thought of going to the beach and found a large park, Ike had a great wake up (ie no whining), wakes up to see a park in front of him, snacks and cool drinks.

We spent 3 nights here and thought Kota Bahru would also be markets and a more run down version of KT, so with a few calls, we managed to book ourselves into Bubu resort on Perhentian.

1 comment:

may ling said...

The impressive resort is on an island at the river mouth in Kuala Trengganu. Bubbi finally got to watch CNN news.