Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ninja Boys

Here's a short clip of the boy's dressed up as ninja's... they have recently got into Ninja-Go, lego's latest figurines. This is the first time they have asked me to sign them up for wushu lessons and willingly put on these wushu uniforms.

Ooops, I uploded the clip of them running through the new water park that is here, their ninja clip was a bit too violent!

I was away in KL last week to host the research director of the Shanghai Art Museum, although it was intense, it was also quite fun, I got to see many of my granddad's original paintings as usually we only deal with the digital images. Then in Singapore, we got the curator's tour of the Bienalle and I got to meet the director of the Mori Museum as well!

That night we took her to watch the Lion King, which I still enjoyed even though its my third time. I bought the CD for the car and the kids seem to love it alot, they are totally quiet and mesmerized listening to the music. Their schedules are now so packed, they have started their brainfit classes, which the first module is listening and they rewire the brain's listening patterns, which is quite important for ike who sometimes has difficulty differentiating sounds.

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