Sunday, October 29, 2006

Gege and Jiejie

There are amny kids in the nieghbourhood but they seem to only appear on the weekends. On weekdays they have school and then tuition classes. Otherwise the little land plots are used only on the weekends when the family gather together and the cousins can play.

Being the weekend, kaikai awoke from his nap wanting to look for gege (bigger brother), there are two cousins that live across the street, their porpor (grandmothers) are always passing us fresh vege's and the gong gong (granddad) is farming, kaikai sometimes sits with him near the trail to help sell his vegetables. Gong gong likes asking kaikai about his big belly, they do a belly rub together now and he asks whether kaikai has had his milk.

The two gege's like taking nate to see the bugs they have caught or now its apparently the season for BIG fat worms. Today we found one gege playing with the other kids and invited kaikai to join in. There was a jie jie (big sister) that really took to kaikai and wanted to carry him, instead she helped him peel the green steamed soya beans and made sure he got down the stairs ok.

Their parents and older kids were playing cards and laughing and having a great time, there were remnants of a barbeque and small snacks. One of them gave kaikai a boiled peanut which I let him try, I think he is not allergic to peanuts, no severe reaction immediately nor a few hours later.

Kaikai is really into his tractor tom show and trys to talk like him going, duk duk duk duk duk....

Ike smiles alot now, especially after a good meal or "toot" (as bubby says) or poopoo.

Some point today olivia said HOORAY to kaikai and he looked at her and said, bubby... bubby....

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