Thursday, December 07, 2006

Loren Trovolta

I never thought I'd see loren in saturday nite fever gear so here it is for a laugh!

I realised that poor ike only sees stuff at home and the dr's office, I think i read to nate at this age but ike just gets swaddled and eats and sleeps and grows.... today I took him in the baby bjorn around the nieghborhood and soon he was asleep, probably too much stimulation. He slept pretty well last night, except for the last 1.5 hours into 6am, he woke up around every 3 hours and fed and went back to sleep

Afterwards I have to take him along to go and pick nate up from school as Olivia is at the ministry of manpower to have her exit interview.

Poor nate too, he had about 2 days of clear nose, all better after last friday's dr appointment but yesterday his nose was like a waterfall, just poring out! poor guy also started coughing at night, the whole night. He woke up with hair plastered (by snot) to his head (which may have been how hair gel was invented?) and lots of coughing. Will be off to see the dr again after his nap.

Hope Ike doesn't get this but I see small signs of coughing!!! oh oh!

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