Friday, October 22, 2010

Week 8 at school

Today was international day, it was nice to see alot more parents participate in making it a special day for the kids, there were quite a number of tables and different countries represented, including Canada, didn't realise there were so many canadians in the school.

Ike decided to dress up as superman for international day, of course the parent feels a bit out of place and other parents probably either feel embarased for me or think what a moron I must be (actually most had a good laugh)... ike on the other hand thinks he is cool and all his friends think he is cool and wish they could come in superhero as well.

Nate was a Zulu boy again, dressed in a grass skirt. The kids showed us what they have been learning or doing the semester todate.

Here are some pics of our week, we were in the botanical gardens with Jin, Caden and Aunty Melissa. The mural with the animals is the first wall that is painted at the school, am very pleased with the way the herb garden is turning the space into more usable space and as we expand from there, we are now building a maze as well for the kids.

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