Thursday, January 17, 2008

Mother In Laws....

As I am typing this, marcia asks, "what are you writing about me...?", heh heh.... well I said I need to take a picture of her toe nails before her pedicure tomorrow as they are soon resembling bullet's and pistol's long curved claws...

Here is Marcia with the director of the Holocaust museum in Cape Town. She has also met the director here (the holocaust museum is being built). With Nomsa on break I have been experimenting in the kitchen, she has managed to stay alive by avoiding the food I make. Today I made barley water (for kids, read : frog eggs in pond scum). We also made really good chocolate cupcakes which she says she only had one, and the half that nate did not like... but loren's chocolate mint bars are disappearing at a fast rate.

Her consumption of salads rival loren's and the worms... and the dogs are happy that they have someone to cuddle with in front of the TV. Until she learns to input on this blog or her own.... there will yet to be an entry on "daughter in laws (from that hot hot place down south)"

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