Sunday, January 27, 2008

Over energetic kids

Between the power cuts... a max of 3 times a day and a max of 2 hours each time, ike's short naps (the last two days only 45 mins), carrying ike and their grumpiness at the end of the day, I have no energy to contribute to this blog!!!

The past week, Ike has started his classes, a very nice baby class on monday where he was introduced to some musical instruments (prompting bubbi to go out and buy some!) and where he got to put his hands into jelly, play dough, gooey stuff and paint. The other class was more a motor skill class with jog the frog at clamber hell.

Bubbi has also updated Ike's wardrobe with 2 pairs of new shoes (in case one is wet), the shoes that we have in stock from nate are a tad big, like 1.5 sizes but with the walking ike has been doing, the shoes will wear out before he gains a size.

We have had alot of rain... it was almost like being in Taipei again, the last two days were at last sunny. The electricity cuts here has caused the govt to close many mines and so prices of precious metals will soar, everyone add gold and platinum to their portfolio and not thru SA mining companies! My friend christine, being the super entrepreneur she is, will be bringing in Aussie solar technology, with german certification but manufactured in China. Apparently the Chinese have these installed and sell excess energy back to the govt to combat the energy shortage they will face!

Ike is of course happiest with his broom... of all the things to do at mugg and bean he picked the broom...

Took Ike to the lion park yesterday.

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