Sunday, October 18, 2009

Finland here we come...

For those who have not heard... well we are moving to Helsinki, it was announced on friday. Loren got promoted to SVP but we get to stay in Singapore till mid of next year and then there is only about 18 months left in his contract and we can move back? Am quite happy and grateful for the time in singapore, I feel we have made some head way on the 2 things we wanted to achieve here. The boys chinese are improving daily (so is mine! I now speak to them more often in chinese). We are on the hunt for a chinese tutor / nanny / helper to bring to Finland.

My granddad's stuff is also on track and we will have alot more in place before we leave. I am off to China early november for a series of meetings.

So, anyone with any advice on how to dress for the Finnish weather, more than welcome to drop me a line. Any hand me down skates? ice hockey gear for a 5 year old?

Aaron the giant was in town this week and the boys enjoyed climbing all over him, I must go and get that shot loren took... dada and Ike at the St. Regis pool where Aaron is staying.

Here's deepavali at the school. The boys did an indian dance, tho ugh ike just sat there. Here are the boys after knocking each other out at boxing.

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