Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Ike's report card...

So we read his report card and are wondering if they are writing about the same kid... just 3 months ago, he scored everything in the bottom percentile... and now he's way up there??!! Did 3 months make such a difference? maybe that road trip? Maybe the synapses have kicked in??? In any case, here is what the teacher's say...

Ike is Superb when it comes to counting and he loves showing his friends how to count. Ike loves to read story books and he is also very good at retelling a story in front of the class. He loves predicting the outcomes of stories and talks in full sentences.

Apparently he's also not whispering as much... he's been commended as a good team player (maybe its time to start him on ice hockey?), he is unsure if he is a lefty or righty and is curious about computers (huh! at least not crying anymore when its computer time).

I guess at 3 something must kick in in their development??

Nate has continued scoring on the high end of the spectrum and I am starting to wonder if the school is challenging enough for him, though he says he is very happy there. His cousin who is the same age can spell one to thirty... and tried to get nate into a spelling contest... nate spelt one as, W-E-N. Not bad first try I thought... a different perspective then O-N-E.

Ike still crashes out in the afternoon for a little nap and has a cough now. Kids in school have been getting sick. Hope he doesn't succumb.

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