Saturday, April 12, 2008

First compost and worm casting harvest

The first two pics are of batman and spiderman (riley) helping me to get the compost out of the compost bin and to get the worm castings without getting the worms in the mixture. Even my gardener said its the best compost he has ever seen.

The leaves are shedding so much and so fast that my two compost bins and a 21 days cycle still cannot process the leaves. Am sad to report that we have to have the garbage people take them away.

last two pics are of ike and nate out with dada. Ike passed out at 11:00am which makes me wonder how he will survive school next week considering he woke up at 630am today (slept at 5pm yesterday!! must be still recovering). I think I'll go with picking him up at 11:00am and feeding him at home and nap here.

Loren said two wonderful and well behaved boys with him today, they must enjoy each other's company!

1 comment:

RYD said...

It's amazing how long it takes for compost to work - our compost pile has been sitting there for ages. We just make a pile in the back of our shed. Turns out it's a lot of work. But good for you for doing it!