Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Sun City

Well its strange for a place as well known as sun city is that I could not find maps of the compound or more detailed information on things to do before going. Vaguely I knew there were big surf pools, a golf course and lots of kiddy things.

We picked nate up at 1pm and set off, its about 1.5 hours away and we arrived at 3:30 with both kids having taken a nap, the scenery is quite nice as we pass the magliesberg mountains and just vast open land. On the way we pass Harbeetspoort and also many citrus farms with many small stalls selling guava, mangoes and a few types of nuts. On the way there was strong winds, at one part of the journey the wind blew the weeds and they just tumbled across the highway in chunks, here is a car with a "mouthful" of those weeds.

Vacation club is divided into the new part and the old, i did not know this when doing the booking and was told at vacation club you can have open lawns for the kids to run around, well we got one next to a slope and the old part so although its been refurbished the fixtures etc were still of the 1980s. The buildings in Sun City also had a very 80s feel to it.

After arriving, we check in and try to swim but it looked like the Joburg rainy weather may have followed us so we took the boys on a monorail ride. Loren came in at 630pm and we tried to go to a nice restaurant at the Palace hotel but they were booked out by a big group and so no one had access to 2 of the 4 hotels there for a 3 week period. Also information like this was not posted on their web or made clear when I spoke to their reservation desk. A bit disappointing.

Pics of the croc farm (worth visiting and do avoid the butterfly park, really not worth visiting), the croc park has a nice ramp meandering thru a 200 nile crocs of varying sizes, there is also a meercat area (note the one relaxing) and a part for baby crocs. We even managed to buy 2 croc teeth.

After escaping 2 kids, we end up having dinner at quite a nice steak place but with a table of 14, 10 year old boys. Nothing a bottle of good south african vino can't cure....

1 comment:

gremlin said...

hi there! it's me (gwen) again. haven't been here for some time but just back and how nate has grown! has it not been just a couple of months...? and ike is looking more gorgeous everyday - love those chubby chunks (cheeks).absolutley love the flora. your horse-riding entry was hilarious. I so wish we were there...