Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tuningi Lodge

which advertises itself as being child friendly was quite good, they made food for the kids and catered to them as much as they could. The guide was quite good at finding kid interesting things and the kids have videos about safaris.

They also destroyed the peace of the other guests that wanted to just lounge by the pool. One night they stayed up late to join the Boma but they were not that interested. Its hard to get them to sleep in the same room and they wake each other up alot, wonder how we will survive KL... the initial plan is to all cram into my brothers house... tho there is the back up of a service apartment nearby. We'll try it for a week and if its just too many people in too small a space, we'll move out. Otherwise the idea is a good one, the cousins all playing together.

So here is the night moth that insisted on drinking our wine. We brought our own bottles and are trying very hard to consume them all before leaving. I think the moths are a good indicator of the quality of the wine, forget Parker Jr and the wine ratings!

My favourite pic of the trip, a dung beetle making a tennis ball sized wedding present for his beloved.

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