Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sabi Sabi

Loren spent all his frequent flier miles and redeemed them for 2 nights at Sabi Sabi. We flew in on small aircraft again, this time at the airport, the staff were preparing for the arrival of richard branson from his resort, Ulu Saba.

Sabi Sabi was voted 2nd best hotel or lodge or one of those awards but I think our best stay was still at Ulu Saba, just the small things add up.

We had good game drives, very hot days until it rained, my favourite story this time is about the animals arm race. The giraffe evolved a longer neck to get to the leaves so the trees developed thorns and the giraffe then evolved a sticky and long tongue to more efficiently eat leaves. The trees respond by secreting large amounts of tannin as the giraffe is eating making the leaves bitter and also secretes pheremones into the air to warn other trees in the vicinity to start making tannin tasting leaves, giraffes then eat far away from each other and against the wind.... well thru all this, the giraffe with its long neck... however... on big storms do get struck by lightning.

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