Saturday, November 21, 2009

What a week...

I think I sometimes don't realise what we have done in the week till I do the blog posting and see all the different pictures... So if I haven't said this, Uncle Peter is in town and has been a great help with the kids, he takes them on Thursdays, "uncle peter day" and a week ago I think the went to the discovery center and last week to the science center. The boys also got big presents... (their lucky month!). Here is Nate with his star wars vehicle. He even brought this to school for show and tell as their module is to talk about transportation.

Its been raining tonnes here that there was even a flash flood (apparently a once in 50 years occurance), that bukit timah was flooded, even some basements of luxury apartments and a ferrari and a porsche were totally submerged. Wonder if insurance covers these "acts of god".

Then we took the (south african zippy) bikes yesterday to the botanical gardens, the boys had a good time going down the slopes but then ike didn't make a turn and crashed out. A bit in shock, a scraped forehead, elbow and knee but overall quite brave. Then I had to subject them to a dentist appointment, which wasn't bad at all as they have not been traumatised by a dentist yet, both have shiny shiny teeth now... loren had a conference so we also did the science museum and then sushi and they got to see the orchard road christmas lights, well actually only the tanglin mall Xmas display, with fake foam as snow...

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