Wednesday, December 22, 2010

KL dec 2010

The kids had their last day of school on Friday and we decided to skip the Christmas school performance and head to KL instead. We were there for about 6 days... here is nate in a ball over the water, I went with him on the first round, its quite hard to balance inside the ball and it gets quite warm as well.

This is the first time all the cousin's played so well together. We tried to get them to sleep in the same room but that didn't quite work out yet. We had a reunion year end dinner at my granddad's temple in KL and caden and chloe were there too which made managing the boys alot easier.

It is rainy season now in KL so the weather cools down alot. There is alot of break-ins as well in my brother's neighbourhood and luckily his home does not face a slope where people can climb in. They put in gantries last year as there were neighbours robbed as they were gardening outside their home!

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