Saturday, June 16, 2007

Want vs. Need

Nate has been saying, "I need this" or "I need that", every sentence starts with "I need...", I couldn't figure it out, I thought kids say, "I want this" or I want I want I want and then I realised that here, in school, the teacher says, "I need you to do this or that", they don't say, "I want you to do this or that" and so he never says, "I want..."

Here is a picture of me and my new horse, Jojo, Victor the gentler horse was given to a beginner student. Jojo is quite nice, its like an automatic car vs. a manual but he is also a faster horse, he doesn't stop and start so much, but 30 mins of riding is quite exhausting, I won't be playing polo anytime soon and I think I know why riders become bow legged.

Today we had the photographer here, at one point the photographer asked us to all lie on our bellies, nate didn't like ike near his feet or toys so he kicked him, ike later saw his opportunity, leaned over landed on nate's shoulder and bit him really hard, there are teeth marks to show! sigh, I guess this is the beginning of their brotherly fights?

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