Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Bubbi has gone back to montreal...

So bubs has left... today Ike went to her room and peered in, probably wondering why the bed has no sheets on. When Nate got home he looked everywhere, convinced that she was playing hide and seek with him. Later at dinner he said, I want to go to Montreal.

Ikes naps have been rather consistent at 11am onwards but he would sleep very short naps, an hour or sometimes less. Today he was put down at 9:20 and slept 2.5 hours. If only he didn't wake up at 515! I did chat to his (future) teacher on whether I should start him on a 3 day class week as everytime I bring him to school with Nate, he wants to stay! but she said it would be much harder for him to adapt so I think I will just enjoy him till April the 14.

Here is a pic of Nate behind a car at the car show, apparently he saw Boost, DJ, Wingo but not Snot Rod. I took them to the Montecasino playroom yesterday as it was pouring rain, both of them like to pretend cooking. Ike's eating is never pretend though! yesterday he kept asking Nomsa for more soup.

Today was a hot day and I got them a different type of ice thing. Later we were at the clubhouse and Nate got to roll downhill on the grass with his buddies. They left early so we went to the playground nearby and boy were they lucky, another boy who was taking squash lessons left his truck and big digger there for them to play. A short while later another person I know stopped by and we had a good conversation.

I have been really lucky too, Christine has given me a set of face stuff (perfect timing as I am running out!), an early present for my birthday, I got a luxuuuurious eye patch from Belinda in the UK, exactly what I needed. At the mosaic class with marcia, I won a 6 month subscription to Home and Garden. The article I wrote on recycling and worms has generated a few phone calls to me and it looks like the dainfern community will get more green! Today as Chinese New Year eve, I lucked out as well and Christine gave me a whole lot of chicken dumplings.

Ike has his favourite pair of shoes and insists on only wearing that pair everywhere, even if its soggy and wet. Its the ones with velcro, unless of course there is a newer pair of shoes! Must be the sensation of freedom and the expansion of experience tho I don't remember nate being so obsessed with his shoes. If Ike were a girl I am sure he would want one of those pink ones with fluff in the front.

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