Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Mish Mash

On Saturday we took nate for his first steak. He was quite excited as he had seen madagascar at least 50 times and the lion eating steak and of course every living thing turning into steak when he was hungry. Nate even prepared for the evening by taking a nap.

Speaking of naps, he seems to be waking up everynight from a nightmare, today I tried to find the toy hammer for him to pound the monster but instead I got 3 lego pieces put together to zap any monsters that cross his path. He wakes up and tries to sneak into our bed. Failing that I suspect he goes back to his room and after I leave he switches on the light as Loren has found him in the am asleep with the lights on! I better get a small dimmer night light.

So Nate was really well behaved at the steak place, he had his stickers and some finger puppets that entertained him the whole time!

Here's a shot of him with his stickers at the restaurant. A shot of him in the sandbox in his Phua Chukang singlet and PCK pucker face. The wine cooler is from bubbi, its quite neat and am looking forward to using it at Shabbat. The two boys playing "house" in the empty box.

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