Wednesday, February 13, 2008

cuts and bruises

Nate has had a new cut or bruise for several days in a row now... his teacher told me a wierd story for which she would not have believed it had she not witnessed it herself, am sure nate would not enjoy this post when he is older!

She said... today, he fell and had a cut, he came upset, then rage, then he pulled his pants down then he said he needs to wash the wound, the blood (very very minor) and most important a bandage.

She could not figure out why he pulled his pants down... so this must be the fascinating part of brain development where all the synapses are cross firing into different directions. My theory is this, he has associated washing hands with going to the toilet, so in his pain, upset moment, knowing that he needs to wash the wound at a sink, he somehow must need to pee first before washing and so he pulls his pants down?

The caveat to my interpretation is that my parents often interpreted my actions and interpreted them wrong... so as this story becomes family myth... the truth may not be known for another 30 years when he can articulate the situation properly and right the wrong... as I did in my case many many years later.

These pics... nate taking isla for a car ride... nate with dada at lesedi cultural village (more recommended for older kids), nate talking to zeda on the phone, ike manuevering the shopping basket without a wheel.

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