Thursday, February 14, 2008

Ike and V-day

Well the first pic is not of V-day, its my back window shattered! last Friday I was waiting at the light and two guys were cutting grass with those hand held mowers, I heard a loud thud and was not scared, thought a big rock of sorts hit my car... I keep looking at my side mirror but not spotting the dent (thinking maybe it was a lump of mud that then scattered?). Two traffic lights later I hear crack, snap and pop... and still don't spot anything thru my side mirror, I look back and my window is like a spider web! Luckily loren got it replaced in a day and no kids were in the car.

Here is Ike on V-day with his date from clamber club and him passed out after his hot date with the blondie. Ike really likes going to nate's class, the other day he wanted to run away with the soft toys, speaking of which, he really likes soft toys unlike nate who did not really care for them. Here's Ike with the shoes he wants to wear today... before choosing his clothes.

Nate spent his V-day explaining to the class (theme is pets), how we keep worms at home and of course he brought sample worms to school. Speaking of which, my slimy darlings are now reproducing at a really rapid rate, lots of baby worms and I just got notice that my tumbleweed bin (grass cuttings etc will be compost in 21 days!) and my third worm bin is in the mail!

The environment article I wrote for the dainfern magazine got published this week, since I was blue bin no. 14 (these are the recycling bins) in december, there are now 36 in dainfern, long way to go to get to all 1800 homes but hope to report a big increase by year end. I also got several calls on the worm bins and hopefully this trend continues!

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