Monday, May 18, 2009

Mat Rempit's...

For those who do not know, a Mat Rempit are those crazy bikers in malaysia on their bikes, going as fast as they can and zippy noises in the process, of course being a traffic hazard... well my two boys on the SA plastic bikes are like Mat Rempits when we go for walks. I brought 4 of them along and realised its not so easy for other kids to play with as its a new toy and movement that they get mowed down by my boys, am considering passing 2 to my nephews but as they live on a hill, it feels like not such a great idea.

Por por is down here again and ike was quite cute the first day he saw here, he said, "purple draib to coo", which in Ikey speak is "porpor drive us to school..." They really like seeing porpor and have been counting down the days and also gave her a big hug when she got here. They also insist on sleeping with her... when she leaves tomorrow, we'll start the count down for Zeda.

I went to to the HK art fair last week and it was good for contact building and also meeting up with my friends in HK.

Nate had his first phonics class and I have asked his teacher to start giving him chinese writing homework. I think I will try and buy rice paper work books and brush for him as well to practice chinese calligraphy. He has kind of caught up with the class as he was 6 months behind when we got here. Am now planning our summer trip to Chengdu.... its going to be hot there, I really hope I do not kill bubbi in the process.

Looks like china now has high speed trains everywhere and am tempted to take bubs, porpor and the kids thru Chengdu (where we will meet up with Christine), then to Chongqing (hotter than Chengdu) and Guiyang and a few smaller stops. This is part of the the route my granddad took during the Sino-Japanese war, when he fled Shanghai and ended up near Guilin and Kunming. There is a cartoon conference I'd like to attend as well in Guiyang but not sure if we'd survive the 4 to 5 weeks on the road... maybe a solution would be to send bubs back with the kids while por por and I soldier on!

Thats the boys squishing my bag before I leave to HK... Nate's new girlfriend, Sage (I like her because she has Transformer toys) and Jonas, her brother who is Ike's best friend.

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