Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Aunty Vini's Greendot

Here's a link to some pics on facebook that loren has put up, I tried to put them on the blog but they seem to take forever to upload.

This is sometimes how we spend our monday's at Aunty Vini's house. She is a mad genetic scientist who gave up her real job to make science programs for kids (thus the madness, fm peaceful environment of cell replication and mutation to the chaos of children). Here is nate, ike and kenneth (who nate calls kenny), creating environmental chaos at her home.

She got them to race balloons and then to make their own mango ice cream with mango from her tree. mmmm....

I have started growing vege's in pots now... will need to sort out how I get a garden box here but so far this is the sprouting of my corn plant.

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