Saturday, June 27, 2009

Nate's report card

Nate's report card is quite good, I"ll try and also upload the video of him in chinese class, from the first week, mid term and at the end of term...

So Nate's report card is quite good, with more than 80% the teachers score him (on 60 areas like able to understand chinese instructions, able to understand xyz concepts", "applies knowledge to real life situtaion", "engages in conversation with peers and adults", " works independently when required" etc... on the "surpassing expectation" box. about 20% in the "meets expectation" and one dot in the "progressing towards expectation", which is "interest in chinese character and able to master some characters", well that is sorted now as I have changed all his memory cards with chinese characters, he now recognizes more than 20.

Ike on the other hand, has scored entirely in the 3rd box, ie "progressing towards expectations". In hindsight I wonder if this was the right school for him as he was a bit young to join age wise and probably maturity wise.

Nate's english and chinese teacher wrote this:
Nate has been displaying good manners and good behavior towards others. He has been socially active and constantly initiates interactions with classmates. He may be a bit playful at times but behaves when asked to. He is happily settled in school and is willing to learn new things.

During the semester, Nate has shown improvement in learning Chinese. He has a long attention span and is able to quickly remember Chinese songs, vocab, poems, and nursery rhymes. He has been expressive of his feelings in singing songs, poems and rhymes. He likes to listen to Chinese stories and is able to remember the main characters in the story. He is able to quickly answer questions about the stories read in class.

The teachers also said his math ability is very good. Will do ike's report in next blog. getting ready to head out now.

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