Sunday, June 28, 2009

Ike's report card

ok the video is from SA... prob 9 months ago but since I seem to be having success posting video clips, I thought I'd post it here.

Comments from English Teacher:
Ike is a quiet and sensitive little boy who has a kind and caring personality. His friendly and gentle nature has made him some good friends and in particular enjoys playing with Jonas. They can often be seen in the playground chasing each other or hanging on the monkey bars.

Ike finds it difficult to interact with the older children adn prefers to play with Jonas or by himself. he will happily join Yuyu for classroom activities where she will assist him with his work. He is becoming a little more confident in the classroom, class assemblies and school events but would still prefer an observational role than participate. His listening skills are developing and he is able to follow instructions and complete tasks with assistance.

Ike has produced some lovely assisted work in his Portfolio and I think he is very proud to see how much he has achieved in this semester. I am sure as Ike matures, he will enjoy participating more within the classroom and as a result, his confidence will grow.

Comments from the Chinese Teacher:
During this semester, Mingming has made tremendous improvement and has reaped some rewards in Chinese, he is now able to enjoy the activities and time spent during Chinese class.

Ike has been greeting me in Chinese everyday this semester, under his teacher's encouragement, he is now able to speak a few simple chinese words and describe things. He has made some improvement in his expression too. He has also made improvements in listening and understanding skills. He knows "wash your hands", "line up", "drink water" etc and can use simple sentences to reply to questions I asked, eg. "my name is mingming, I am 3 years old".

Considering that this child has made significant progress, I suggest to the parent to continuosly expose the child to Chinese as much as possible.

... and hence mommy suffers with liangzi laohu song in the car every day!! and an hour of chinese songs and phrases when the kids are in the car. At night sometimes I hear the Shaolin temple song being played!!!

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