Sunday, January 14, 2007

The dogs

Loren walked Jake and Bullet on saturday morning, pistol usually doesn't get to go as he wants to be carried after a while. It was probably a good idea since a BIG dog darted out and suddenly caught Jake and shook him like a rag doll. Poor Jake has a fractured leg and has now spent 2 days at the doggy clinic.

The doggy clinic looks really nice and clean, he has a big cage and clean towel, looks like I can bring him home today. Loren pounded on the door of the owner who turns out to be a sleazy chinese looking man who first claimed its his neighbours dog. Later I went with him and the owner agreed to pay for the hospital fees but at no time did he even apologize. He claimed his home was robbed and his dog abused. His dog wasn't very well kept in any case but wagged his tail and went into that home... so much for "not my dog".

I spoke to the chinese grocery owner and he said that guy was robbed last month, apparently he had something like US$100k in cash. Also apparently the chinese residents are rather flashy with their cars, jewelry and cash and hit the casinos often. So much so that also apparently the robbers have rented a house in dainfern to track these big whales and then rob them.

Today it rained, its quite cool, down to 17 degrees, everyone is back and the road back from nate's school, there was a traffic jam. Its quiet now but our shipment will be arriving anytime soon and then it will be all chaotic again. A moment of calm before the storm.

Will take Ike to the dr to rule out Hirshbaum's disease or "lazy gut", he hasn't pooed in over a week, he is trying but sure has smelly farts. Bullet too which must be his dog food (sometimes I can't tell if its Bullet, Nate or Ike smelling bad!). Olivia was just commenting on the days when Ike was a newborn and pooing several big ones a day, always seeming to be aiming at Wendy's shirt...

I need to try and post some pictures, so far have failed twice. Am glad the internet connection on my mac is up but also need to adjust the mail settings, then I will be fully up and running!

1 comment:

Mary and Don Zeidler said...

Hi Carolyn and Loren,

We just love your updates and read them faithfully. We hope Jake is recuperating. Can you file a complaint with the animal authorities? We wonder if other animals have been attacked in the same manner. We are very concerned about Ike's stomach problems. Your doing great. Take it easy when your furnishings arrive. Best regards. Mary and Don