Saturday, January 27, 2007

Patron Deity of Sleep

I think if I were still in Taipei I would have a clay bust or porcelain statue made of Dr. Weisbluth and then a little altar and place a little inscense there make it the space for the Deity of Sleep. I finally found his book among our things, the library is the last to be unpacked as we have no shelves there, I knew I should have packed it in my suitcase.

Ike had such a nice sleep pattern developing according to his age in Taipei, it all went pear shaped here and the log I kept was just terrible, small naps, no consolidation in sleep, lots of wakings at night. After rereading the chapter on am sleep, it was so easy to rectify and he now has regained his am nap nicely! a lovely 2-3 hour chunk where we are free! now his pm naps are starting to get into place as well. ahhhhhhh. bow bow bow, oh patron deity of sleep!

Yesterday after Ike had his big am nap, Olivia had the jackpot, a big poo. He was fussy in the pm and I left him to soothe himself while taking nate to the playground. He was still fussing an hour later so olivia picked him up and hit another jackpot! if this were a casino, she'd be rich! The good news is he poo-ed in time so no need for glycerine today.

Today I went to the garden center, we have a really nice garderner called Peter. It is a bit further than my normal radius and so its was nice to go explore with someone else. I didn't find my herb pot but I did see that they sell large metal masks, which i think I will pick up next week with Peter and hang in our outdoor area. Loren has a big wall of masks and has proclaimed that his mask collection will increase by 500%, so I have left him several bare walls. He is eyeing a coffee table that has lions or elephants underneath (urgh!) but I think I have managed to steer him to a african door that we can make into a coffee table. We also saw in a restaurant a bech that has a crocodile head on both ends, that can be our stool to put and take off shoes.

The floor tiles here are strange, no matter how we mop, the floor still feels dirty. Olivia tried scrubbing it and voila, it was so nice and clean and nice to walk on, now she and nomsa will probably over time scrub all the tiles, hopefully we can maintain it, I still can't get used to wearing slippers at home.

Congrats to Terry and Phoebe with a new cousin for nate and ike, little Tom (wei wei). Apparently he is a splitting image of his older brother, brad (han han).

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