Wednesday, January 10, 2007

nate's new school

is called the Happy Days Montessori. It is about a 10 minute drive from our place and a nice pleasant drive, everything is quite flat here so one has a view of alot of sky.

Nate absolutely loves this school, he didn't want to leave after being there for 2 hours, we had to go home as I had to feed ike. They accept kids from 7 am to 12:30 pm which would have worked great in Taipei as Nate was such an early riser (I think now it must be the piping in the house). Here he sleeps till 7:30 or even 8.

The school sits on like at least 50,000 square feet of land and with 50 students that is 1,000 sqft per child! Today he ran straight to the basketball hoop (under two great big pine trees) and started throwing balls with the other kids. Then we went to see Mr. goose and Mr. duck and the guinea pigs. Then he discovered the wheelbarrow and was learning how to lift and balance pushing on one wheel. Then he discovered another area, a sandbox with all sorts of small trucks and spinning wheels when you pour sand down the area. Then he took a break had a snack and back to some slides, then someone had a birthday cake and he sang happy birthday.

When it was time to go, he discovered the inside part of the school, there was a paint area and a playdoh making area, he has his eye on making paydoh tomorrow. On the way out he saw the goldfish and stared for a long time.

The kids range from 2 to 6 years old and they all mix in the different areas. There are about 8 staff, each overseeing a certain area. Kids come and go as they please. Several kids came up to him to play. Another boy, Ethan who is 4 months older than him and never went to school before had a rather more traumatic time, when his mom dissappeared, he was crying and screaming. When I wanted to leave, nate said, see you bye!

Maybe tomorrow I can leave him there the whole time? Before his nap he said, I want to go to school, after dinner he wanted to continue watching his DVD till we told him that if he slept earlier, school time will come sooner, I have never seen him zip upstairs for his bath so fast. This school transition is definitely looking easier than I thought.

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