Tuesday, May 22, 2007

cold cold front

We have a really cold front the last two days, at night it goes to about -2 and in the day it doesn't heat up to more than 8 degrees. I am regretting that I gave away my ski jacket, I will try and look for warmer clothing. We also had a blackout yesterday which was not great but apparently that is quite common in winter so we have to stock up with candles.

The cold front should be gone by thursday and today should be about the worse.

Por por and I are now reading all sorts of child psychology books. Kai Kai is really good at testing the limits and we need to constantly stay a step ahead of him. So the books are titles like "the stubborn child" to "the challenge of children". Today we ignored all his whineyness, when I went up to shower he apparently asked por por what happened and por por said mama is crying upstairs because you are misbehaving, apparently that brought out his empathy. Now how do I make crocodile tears in this dry dry weather (handy eyedrop dispenser?) and how much should I milk it or rather I wonder how I can keep a straight face?

Now that por por has packed the library we can access the books! I just wished they had ikea here, there are just no nice and cheap bookshelves, a single 5 bracket one which is not even as nice as ikea will cost US$200, I wonder if its because there is a low demand for bookshelves? many of the houses I have seen have no library but 3 to 5 entertainment areas. Books are expensive here too. I wonder how we will spend our amazon coupons as the shipping here is not reliable either.

Pistol enjoying the wonders of floor heating.

My access to the mac is strange today so I can't reply to many of your emails, I see the first line written but nothing after that.

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