Monday, May 28, 2007


Today porpor and I went to look at schools for Nate, I think based on where we live, there are only 2 choices, the american international school or dainfern college. The american school I can only check out in August when they get back from their summer break but today we went to dainfern college, which is a SA private school.

The school is very nice, compared to the wooden shack that was my primary school, this place had large rolling lawns, a swimming pool, large computer rooms, heated, nor sure about aircon but we only had fans that we could switch on at the hottest part of the day. The kids do stand up and greet visitors and teachers at the beginning and end of class, and they do wear uniforms (a big plus!). Its also only 5 minutes from where we live and if nate went to highschool here he could also drive himself by golf cart. They start at grade 0 or when he is 5 or 2010. As with schools everywhere, we need to book a spot and 2010 is likely our transition year so am not quite sure yet where we are going and how to manage that.

Today I also changed nate's routine before napping, instead of playing then struggling to get him to change and brush teeth, today I made him change and clean up first then he can play for 15 to 20 mins, well it was very pleasant but he is not asleep yet as he did not have to fight or struggle or cry, so maybe I'll let him play longer next time or pick him up later from school. I get him at 1pm but kids can be picked up latest by 2pm.

This is what we did later in the day, after nate's nap, we headed to pootoom river, threw some rocks, then plucked a long tickle tickle and had a tickle fight, spreading lots of seeds enduring next years crop of ticklers. Ike enjoying the scene... a view of the super tall ticklers in the area and a sign to beware of snakes!

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