Wednesday, September 17, 2008


may be the culprit to Nate's stuffy nose. The blood test shows he is moderately allergic to eggs (drats and he loves eggs!), so we will try to keep him off egg for a month and see if his nose improves. The dr says he may outgrow this, he may not. I think he likes eggs because Mr. Strong eats alot of them! Now I need to find some substitute item for bakerman for him every weds...

The teacher meeting went well... apparently he is average on everything (ie not below average on anything). He is a self confident and healthy child that can play with himself or with others, his two best buddies are Paul and Kaid at this point in time.

He seems to not have much of an appetite since last weds (have I been giving him too much snacks after school and he's waiting for that?), he still refuses to eat sausages and will eat more vege's in place. Did I tell you that at dinner often times he wants to just eat fruits (a fruitarian in the making?), he also munches on salad greens off my vege garden and today loved Christine's dark soya vinegar meat dish.

He apparently has a superior command of the English language vocabulary wise. He is eager to achieve by challenging himself as opposed to being competitive with someone else. His scissors and pencil hold is fine now and he was the only child that noticed the teacher wore glasses (when she was drawing body parts to introduce each part) and his drawings of himself has improved (will get picture tomorrow to post), he has an intense look when doing his cutting exercises.

His self image are of his big belly (ok the grandpa that lived across the street from us in taiwan must have left a big impression on him by saying Duzi dada - big belly or have you eaten) everytime he saw nate. The drawing has a neck, a head, arms, a big belly with a belly button and legs.

So apparently one child piped up to draw a bum but the teacher dodged that by saying that is the back profile and then 3 body parts later... another child asked for a "fannie". So she had to draw in a quick line but the teacher pointed out other self image drawing where girls have added that in! The boys don't seem to intent on drawing their peepee or maybe I need a closer look at these interesting paintings??

She said Nate is usually exceptionally happy and this week he seemed not (he is still happy but the difference is apparent), I could not think of any reason, maybe that his birthday party is over? She then asked me about the party cos apparenlty this week a few kids commented on how fun it was.

The teacher has been teaching them the elephant dance song in music appreciation and I remember Nate telling me about it two days ago, he was surprised when I could hum the tune, little does he know I can play the tune on a horn or tuba and the teacher is trying to convince me to go to a musical rent-a shop to get one. Unfortunately its in the middle of the city of Joburg. That would be quite funny tho or maybe not so for our neighbors.

No signs of a child genius yet. We are on day 3 of no night diapers and no bed wetting!

Ike's meeting is on Friday. Everyone says he is a yummy cutie.

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