Monday, September 15, 2008

Misc shots

A tree with many colorful stickers at design quarters, spotted this after bikram, seems lie a very delightful tree!

A picture of a little pottery studio that I found recently, am not sure where I can carve out more time to do these things! I found this place on the way to my chinese laoshi's house. I found this teacher recently and am plodding along with the translation of the books we found in the interior of China before leaving Taipei. I just heard from a friend that can get me a part time job at a very good gallery here... oh and speaking of galleries, the one that is supposed to convert an african door into a coffee table for us seems to not be moving along.

The next two buildings are of Unity college where bubbi volunteered at. I may have posted these before and not stored the pics away.

and... my ginko tree has sprouted some new leaves! I was convinced it was dead! I am having veyr good harvests of iceberg lettuce, rocket, various salad greens, spring onions and leeks from my garden. Am feeling its a bit small. I have now put in some green peppers, tomator, nastartiums, bak choy and baby cherry radishes. I will try for 1 or 2 pumpkin plants and see if I get anything for halloween. I still have not been able to get hold of square beans from Asia. We've also started doing home sprouts for loren's salads

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