Saturday, November 18, 2006

A full day

Today was quite a full day. We picked sasha up and went to the amusement park, rode on the carousel, it was quite scary, I got a big horse and it went up and down, then the choo choo train twice and two types of spinning cups. Then headed to the club and met Enzo. We had lunch with Enzo and they were both racing to eat their fried rice until the potato chips came then it was only chips for kaikai, he is into his ketchup that he even wants it on his cheerios in the morning (yuck!)

We came home and he took his nap and when he woke up we went to Hagen Daz, he likes only the Gweem ice cream (green tea) and was enjoying scooping it up! then to the park with the river, he saw several children fishing small fish from a tank, while he was catching fish he was speaking in chinese to the delight of his audience, he managed to get 1 fish (wo hao bang ah, I am great), yu lai je bian (fish come here), xie xie, thank you, zhang zhang (dirty). Then we went to throw rocks into the river and watch people play badminton, the jiejie's even let him play with their racket and he got a feel of the bounce of the shuttlecock against the racket.

Then home again and Ike was awake, Kaikai pushed him round the front area then wanted to show him off to the neighbours so off we went. The porpors think Ike has smaller eyes than nate and he even talked to their dogs, lucky and sally, about "didi". After dinner dada came back from his yoga and bathed nate and read to him and then tucked him into bed.

Ike does a nice solid 6 hours of sleep, usually 530 - 1130pm then 330 and then 6ish. Then usually a nice solid 3 hours again after 730am... good sleep patterns except the nose in the morning when he struggles abit.

Bullet is getting over his throat infection. Had to take him to xray yesterday, lucky no foreign object in his throat and the night before he threw up the whole night. No food for a day, stil coughing today but better now.

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