Friday, October 10, 2008

Another day another adventure...

Todays adventure began like this... I arrive at school and Nate's arm is limp, he says it hurts to lift but no broken bones were detected, he said he fell in the morning in the barn and his teacher said as the time went on he used less and less of his arm. So I didn't wait till Ike woke up and took nate to the emergency room.

With the dr his arm was still limp, the dr said sometimes there may be a fracture and off to the xray room we went, while waiting there, nate decides to jump on the sofa... he yells as he lands on the shoulder of his limp arm (not a child genius but maybe high tolerance for pain? a future wrestler?)... I'm thinking great... now a cast?? We get called in and as we walk to the room something strange happens, he can wriggle his fingers again and his arms are flapping and doing all sorts of things!

I guess something snapped into place? He then spends the afternoon making up for lost time when he couldn't jump and monkey around. We go pick Ike up, he is happily dancing in the garden near the stables in a circle with other little friends and having a good time!

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