Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Its October

Its spring time here but yet I still can't get my head around the fact that its october and its spring time. Goes to show how stuck my head is conditioned to the northern hemisphere sense of seasons. I feel likes its April but people are talking about Christmas!

Here are some pics of the boys when they are nice to each other, which is quite often and thus they do hold hands quite often. Ike when asleep... at the toy store, ike seemed to want to only play with the wet wipes. Its spring and all the ducks, geese and chickens in school have little baby chicks... at least my kids know what a live one looks like!

So the boy's Chinese teacher that comes on the weekdays will be moving to Durban. We had such a good momentum going for a while.

I will be attending the first bris that does not involve my sons! Gaby and Elan have a baby boy, they didn't want to find out but all throughout the pregnancy, Gaby felt it was a boy...

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