Friday, August 03, 2007

No water for 30 hours

Finally the water was restored, not after mom and I went to Checkers to buy out all the 5 litre bottles (a total of 13 bottles). We will now use the emtpy bottles to store water in each bathroom. We had also devised a system of using swimming pool water for flushing the toilets and luckily the humidifiers were full so we had that to filter into drinking water and 3 tubs of 5 litre water bottles too. The two supermarkets near us had empty shelves of these larger bottles.

After mom left for the airport, I went to fill whatever big tubs of water we had at this "filling station" (see pic), they brought in a tanker full of water. As I stood there, there were 3 black people with pails and a white woman who finished filling her pails and was filling her small drinking bottles with this big hose (and spilling alot of water), as the water spilt on her expensive shoes she was prancing around and wasting more water! unbelievable while these women with pails just continued standing there! So I asked a woman for her pail placed it under the small bottle that the white woman was trying to fill and would you believe it, as she filled one small bottle, there was enough leakage to fill half the pail? incredible.

Then I headed to fill loren's car with gas. I had filled mine earlier in the day and it was strange that 2 of the 3 types of petrol was sold out and as I drove off the news came on saying that the gas station worker strike was still on and many gas stations had run out of petrol!!! since mom has been here, there has been the garbage man strike, the eletricity workers strike, the taxi men strike..... it seems to never end. Every other news item is abou tthe negotiation on wage increases, I can't even keep track of who is striking anymore, unless it affects my life...

In the afternoon, I took the boys to mugg and bean to play, Nate requested noodles so I ordered speghetti and meatballs and Ike ate it up with his hands really enjoying the mess he was making and even complained we were too slow in feeding him. A few waiters stopped to admire his appetite and skill. Incredibly big mess of course. Even Kelly and Helen's nanny had to point out to them how such a small guy fed himself as they were still fed the girls. The noodles in the pic look alot like my worm farm. I've decided if anyone wants to buy me a present I have 3 things on my list, the first two are 2 different models of worm farms (making my total 3 farms, when i get them) and the DVD or CD from the teaching company on "from yao to mao - 5,000 years of chinese history".

Just to finish off the wormery story, since everyone else I speak to seems to cringe and it is quite an effective conversation killer... and I have a somewhat captive audience here... they wormys are producing a good amount of worm pee fertiliser for my plants. Yay, just in time for spring.

Got home and after Ike's bath he had a bad nappy rash with whitish specks, I called michelle as the day before she said Axel had a bad nappy rash with fungus. She came right over to look and confirmed it and gave me some of the medication Axel had, it should clear by tomorrow.

Well at least we have water again.

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