Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Another sizzling day

If it gets any hotter than today, I will have to rethink my wardrobe. Here is the back of Ike's head, look at all his hair!! Ike is really into doors, open shut open shut open shut. He now apart from pointing, claps, waves and shakes his hands... finally! the classes must be paying off.

Nate is now getting into swinging himself in a swing and the knotting a swing up to go round and round. He says look at me alot and can really express himself quite well. If he doesn't nap, he sleeps at 530pm and wakes at about 5am. If he sleeps later, he still wakes at 5am, its either loren's noise in the morning or that sliver of sunlight at sunrise which is now 455am.

I have resorted to sleeping really early and am feeling alot better than last week.

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