Monday, November 05, 2007

Mozambique Part II

We had one day of rain, which was nice, it was cooler and the sand was more conducive for building castles, Ike hasn't got the concept yet, he thinks we are building barriers to improve his crawling ability.

There are lots of crabs, they seem like easy prey, there were also these nice lizards that would tan on the boardwalk deck (which i didn't take a pic off), nomsa was pale one day as a (non-poisonous) green snake plopped in front of her. Some frogs too, the wind was too strong for any mosquitoes. The place we were at bordered the Tembe elephant park so some of the guests saw an elephant or two.

Here is Nate with his "paper", it is a sheet of paper and a catalogue of thomas the train toys, nate can stare for hours at this piece of paper so the drive was quite easy with him, he sleeps with this piece of paper until it becomes all torn up, then we tape it up and then it lasts for a few more days. It is truly "ham choy" (salted vegetable) when it has to go, I have jokingly told him we can make ham-choy soup out of it and he wants to do it, forget osmosis, might as well internalise it!

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