Monday, November 19, 2007

What is worse than chicken pox?

well ike does not have chicken pox, today he was seen by 3 doctors in the emergency ward and his normal ped who was called in, they concurred that he has scabies. Its extremely itchy and it takes 2-6 weeks for the itch to go away! Now we are recleaning the house, the dogs get their mite dip at the vet on weds and some websites say all other humans in the home should get treated too, others say only the infested one.

Hmmmm... and I thought head lice was the only lice-mite I should watch for.

The dr thinks it is likely he got it from the sandpit, which ike likes to play in and is there almost everyday. Yesterday when we thought its chicken pox, he was there to spread the mites.

Bubbi, welcome to mite-land in advance!

Now that Nate does not want to nap, he sleeps really early, its 5pm and he's asleep, it feels like when he was under a year old. He just wakes up with the sun and sunrise now is 4:50am. y-a-w-n!

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