Saturday, November 17, 2007

Ike has suspected....

before I tell you his next ailment, Ike has been nicknamed, "woo woo" by us as that seems to be his favourite word.

So Woo Woo has suspected chicken pox. He had his vaccination in early september, ie on schedule and the nurse said although kids are vaccinated, they still have a 20% chance of getting it. I guess we have struck the chicken pox lottery. Last night he had this bad and angry rash on his bum and woke up several times, this morning its on his legs and a few spots on his hands, of the many spots only 2 have water in them, so the dr suspects its chicken pox, we will see him again on monday.

In the meantime, he is itching and is on antihistamine and is not the happiest of babies. I have not had chicken pox before but am vaccinated, lets hope we need not strike lottery twice. As i write this, he has woken up, so will have to update other news later...

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