Sunday, June 01, 2008

Our afternoons

are spent at the park (big picnic blanket) or pootoom river (yes nate is wearing his PJ's as warm underoo's, it gets quite warm here by mid day so sometimes he takes off the other layer, revealing that he has not changed at all! I can attribute this to two places, one when growing up, my mom in order to save time, dress us in the next days clothing... so why not use the same PJ's? two, to save the earth from more washing, to try and cut down the energy used to wash all their clothes), hmm tho I wonder if these habits will not be good when they reach college age!

Ike who has not learnt to crawl the proper way (he does a shuffle), seems to develop gross motorly a bit slow, he seems to not be able to figure out how to climb up things nor tunnels, tho he should outgrow this. Apparently when he is older, we will still need to teach him to crawl correctly as that creates other synapses in the brain for other types of development.

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