Sunday, June 01, 2008


When Nate is the youngest in a group he seems to take quite well on being picked on but I guess group dynamics are such he then learns skills to pick on kids younger than him. Poor lucas being the youngest and physically smallest of the group gets picked on alot by the pack. I tend to let the kids sort these things out themselves tho I wonder if one's child is the smallest that the parent should step in to "protect" the child more? or bring the child to a group where he is the oldest or to play with even older children who are more patient and giving?

Nate's playmates in Taipei were much bigger than him, he was aged 2 and they were 5 and 6 and the older ones seemed to want to teach him more things or share instead of "I should play with this toy first as I am 4 and you are 3". Or when he is with kids younger or skill or speech developed, he seems to gain more confidence in his own abilities and I guess try out the "bullying" skills learnt when he was bullied? Sometimes I wonder if he knows he is being bullied or the intervention by an adult then points out that that is negative? or unless someone is going to get hurt then to intervene.

Next week we will try and leave Ike in school for lunch. We just found out our new neighbours work for Nokia too (this is fast becoming Nokia village) and their son Marcus will be in the same class as Ike.

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