Monday, August 04, 2008

Gardening project...

Headed to a seedling farm and a place that sells seeds, amazing rows and rows of seedlings and bags and bags of seeds.

Here aer 2 pics from a home that houses teenaged boys, about 36 of them in a huge rambling house. Three months ago the boys were living in probably a shack with no parents. The house is provided by a pastor and although the house needs alot of touch up, many of the boys are attending mechanic school and will work for the BMW workshop. A number of people donate food and Mr. Goldstuck who wants to see how much it costs to build them a vege garden (labour and responsibility for maintainence will come from them). They could learn to garden and sell the access veges to people around them.

At the end of the garden was a shed that would make a perfect mushroom farm but the weather is too dry here for that, still it could be a good worm farm, for some reason the shed has alot of discarded crates that are perfect for worm farming. Now to figure out how to contain these crates.

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