Monday, August 25, 2008

Life before Beijing

Here are some shots that I didn't get a chance to upload before leaving for Beijing. This is Marcia with Ike on the swing, Nate is in Chinese class. Nate sometimes likes the class and sometimes not. The teacher has said that Nate may not feel confident in speaking in a Chinese environment because he doesn't have the vocabulary, I understand how he feels I absolutely hated going to Chinese school and one of the Chinese kindergardens in Penang, I remember it being an isolating experience but unfortunately, it is the language of the future, so I have stepped up my use of the language with them and of course I wish I had put more effort into my own Chinese language journey as a child.

Ike shakes his head vehemently except for a few chinese books, I got them Chinese Nemo, Chinese Toy Story and so far they are watching it. I felt in Beijing that they were missing out on their language development.

One interview I had to do in Beijing with a cartoon scholar... at the end of it, I felt like my head was going to burst. The other side probably had a low view of my abilities and kept saying I had done better than they expected. hmmm.

This weekend though I found another contact to another Chinese teacher, she will come to the house and will play with the kids in a less formal setting than Nate's Friday Chinese class.

Anyway, here is bubs and ike laughing away and Marcia and the tall statue of mandela at sandton square.

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