Sunday, June 27, 2010

Garden phase 1 nearing completion

I have brought a number of our plants to school, including a giant aloe and a pineapple plant so the kids can compare the leaves. Also I hope over summer they get alot bushier!

Had some help from the japanese mom's to finish off an area and also another mom to help paint the wooden pallets where the kids can have small tables to garden. The day of the student led conference, it was raining so heavily that the kids could not show the parents the gardens they have helped built.

Am quite happy quite a number of orchids have taken root and are flowering. I hope the orchid planted was completed today and I can finish off that area before the school is out! Can't wait to put in a "banana eating fern".

The heart shaped planting was done by the kids, this wierd shot of ike is actually from the science center and should be in a different post... he is playing with blocks that interact with the screen in the story the three little pigs.

I have been seeing an acupuncturist and have been enjoying the experience, Dr. Liu is from taiwan and she does spend alot of time explaining theories and what she is doing. She does seem to insert the needles a bit aggressively and I do feel my meridian points activated alot more that the last acupuncturist I went to. Today she even attached little electric currents to the needles! Then she did some cupping thing on my back, another new sensation...

The orchid I hung on the mask candle from bubbi... is a gift to myself, I think I want to have a large orchid area in the next place we live.

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