Monday, July 23, 2007

Clamber Club

I finally managed to sign Ike up for a gymboree type class, its called clamber club here, the mascot is Jog the Frog. i didn't get any shots of the inside activities where the moms have to bounce the kids up and down and run around in circles etc... its a big workout. The first two pics are of Ike at the outside play area. There are definitely alot of things to keep him busy there.

Have been taking Ike to the sand box as well, tho he enjoys sampling the sand and seems to like the flavour, its really hard to catch him before he tosses it onto his tongue. Here is is distracted by a new girl friend.

Ike on a walk with porpor. Porpors hat comes in handy for his not full head of hair yet.

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