Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Witwater part 3

The nice thing about this place is that they have a spa and we can walk through the farm, which is alot more to do than at Jaci's Lodge. Which was 3 big meals, no walking as there were large predators... and no spa. Needless to say we got treatments everyday and walks as well. One day we walked to see animal tracks, flora and fauna.

We saw alot of different type of poo. All the grazers had little pellet ones filled with grassy material. Would have made great base material for my worm farm. Didn't yet get to see a dung beetle strutting its ball rolling skills. Here is a view of a large tree where the cheetahs would hang out. We were here to spy the Rhinos.

When in the bush, if you find yourself out there at night, find a big hole dug by a warthog and crouch in it with a sharp stick, poke anything that comes too close. In a tree you can't fall asleep as you would fall out or meet the tree climbing predators. Just a little tip for those going to safari...

The next day we walked to the caves where paintings were done between 600 to 1,000 years ago. The camera takes sharper pictures than the actual paintings.

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