Thursday, September 20, 2007


For those who do not know, as a joke after nate was born, we said the next son will be called brutus. Of course when the next child was a boy, loren wanted duke (which was dropped because it sounds like a cantonese bad word) and ike is ike.

Well, nate's new baby doll is named brutus. Loren had a hand in helping that naming process. These dolls are quite sophisticated these days. This one apparenlty is supposed to teach a kid to feed milk, solids, change diapers and empathy as the baby does cry tears when you squeeze its arms.

Now I didn't know this, I thought it would just cry and could not figure the out where the on button is. Took it back to the store and after the guy explained it to me, I am thinking why would I want another thing that needs its diaper changed? oh and it poo's too but you need to get it to drink water to wash out the poo so in effect its always having diarrhea??? who makes these dolls?

Having said that, nate likes taking brutus on walks, carrying him and comforting him when he cries, he also feeds him, puts his dummy (sucky thing) and brutus goes to sleep, nate even sleeps next to brutus and gives brutus his favourite blue blanket.

Today I had a meeting with his teacher on his progress at school, all is good except his fine motor skills. She doesn't think there is much to worry about and if he doesn't improve by year end, next year he can do one on one through games. He can't quite hold a pencil properly.

I think I may just give him a pair of chopsticks and the only way he gets his magic beans (M&Ms) are if he can pick them with the chopsticks.

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