Thursday, September 20, 2007

Bullet's ultrasound scan

I took bullet for his scan last friday and because he had eaten something he needed to be scanned again so off we went on weds. Its confirmed that he has a small liver, so instead of the laid back weimaraner, he actually was a weim with a small liver and thus less energy. His liver is not functioning to take out the toxins and surgery is recommended as a biopsy will show what type of liver problem he has and how we can treat it. In preparing for the surgery bloods were taken to see his clotting levels, it looks like his liver is also hampering the production of clotting cells and so everyday I need to take him to get a vitamin K shot, if that does not boost his system, they will have standby plasma for the surgery. Poor guy doesn't even want to get into my car as we only go to the vet! Here is a pic of bullet sedated before the second scan.

We have now been without water for 2 days, looks like it will go on for another day, went to fill our 5 liter bottles with water. Have been taking the boys to swim at the gym and then shower there. Although its quite inconvenient not to have running water, its not terribly aggravating, reminds me of the time in malaysia when we have to collect rain water and cold water wipe downs. I think I like no water better than no electricity. I think I must have low expectations of this country and living the way we do is already beyond my expectations?

we are all waiting for the rain. It was rumbling on tueday but did not rain, the plants though are blooming where there are sprinklers, with the rain I think even the dusty roadside will become green. More pics of fauna. The birds and bees are out, I bought a seed thing to hang out to attract the birds, today I came home to 30 bee's buzzing about the house! We had to smoke them out (use metal pot and scrunch tissue paper, then light, creating a light smoke). The dogs went after the bee's so I had to lock them up. When i told nate, he said, "oh and the butterflies will come also".

The latest strike for those who want to know is... the automobile parts strike, look like VW, GM and a few other makers will have a hard time delivering cars and may lose orders which leasds to layoffs, wonder how this country cacn function like that? also loren told me this other statistic, during apartheid, the whites owned 85% of the economy, with BEE (black economic empowerment), the whites apparently now own 95% of the economy.

Ike has two molars coming out and is doing something new everyday, just last week he was climbing several steps, today he is going down steps. I found him very adept at pointing the TV remote and asked how long the girls keep him in their room, they claim that its only when they need to use the toilet, so I have asked them to take his books there, better that he learns to open a book than to point a remote control!

I found my alternative chinese supermarket, its in rivonia and takes me about 30 mins to get there but they have a larger variety of stuff, including even goji juice (though I had to ask him to stock it). Nate's school semester ends tomorrow with a week break and I thought I would get cracking at his zulu boy costume but one of the mom's called and said she can make for all 4 zulu boys!

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