Monday, February 05, 2007

Camera Kaput!

After finding the cables, the docking station, charging the camera.... we took some pictures on saturday... I was about to take pictures today of ike, the house... well the camera is broken. Sigh, loren says he will pick up another camera, now that he is in dubai.

Nate is very into Thomas the train, today he wore thomas shirt and his thomas slippers and wanted to go to this toy store that had a thomas table with thomas traacks and all thomas's friends. I now know how kids bankrupt their parents, these toys are really expensive! TOMY the maker is making a killing, I must check out their stock! A matchbox toy car is between US$1 to 3. The train is like US$8 onwards. I am now motivated to look on ebay.

Ike did a great sleep schedule today, a good am nap, a 2 hour pm nap (the longest ever, otherwise its 40 mins, max an hour) and then another short 3rd pm nap. Sleep begets sleep, or is this the illusion of things getting better and tonight will be a bad night for me?

Peter's sister was offered another job so back to the grapevine.

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